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Työpaikkojen hyväksyntäkierto (Uusi)
Työpaikkojen hyväksyntäkierto (Uusi)

Pyydä uusille ilmoituksille hyväksyntää valitsemiltasi henkilöiltä, jotta kaikki ilmoituksenne ovat suunnitelmallisia.

Sebastian avatar
Tekijä: Sebastian
Päivitetty yli 8 kuukautta sitten

Tervetuloa hyväksyntäkiertojen oppaaseen. Hyväksyntäkierrot auttavat luomaan rakenteen, jossa kaikki ilmoitukset käydään läpi oikeiden henkilöiden toimesta. Alla käymme läpi, miten kierron asetuksia hallinnoidaan, miten hyväksyntä aloitetaan ja millä tavalla hyväksyjät voivat nähdä hyväksyntää odottavat ilmoitukset.

1. Hyväksyjien sekä hyväksyntälomakkeen asetukset

Aloita menemällä kohtaan "Oma Yritys" ja "Työpaikkojen hyväksyntä".

  1. Aloita antamalla kierrolle nimi ja kuvaus:

  2. Klikkaamalla painikkeesta 'Allow approval on behalf,' voit antaa käyttäjien hyväksyä asetettujen hyväksyjien puolesta. Tämä ominaisuus on hyödyllinen silloin, kun hyväksyjä on esimerkiksi sairaana tai lomalla, sillä tällöin prosessit pääsevät tästä huolimatta eteenpäin.

    ​Alla oleva kuva näyttää, miltä "Allow approval on behalf" näyttää käyttäjille. Kun lomake on lähetetty, voi joku toinen käyttäjä hyväksyä käyttäjän puolesta.

  3. Luodaan nyt hyväksyntälomake. Lisää ensin haluamasi kysymykset, joihin käyttäjän tulee vastata, jotta he voivat lähettää ilmoituksen eteenpäin. Voit käyttää monia eri kysymystyyppejä ja valita, onko niihin vastaaminen pakollista.

2. Hyväksyntäkierron luominen

Time to delve into the part where magic happens! 🪄 Assigning users to approval steps based on specific criteria.

  1. To get started, click "Add approval step"

  2. You will now have the option to select an actual user from the list, or "Any user".

    • By selecting "Any user" you are adding an approval step, without assigning it to a specific user. This will let the user who creates the job, select the approver themselves when the job has been created.

    • By selecting a specific user, that specific user will be assigned as the approver

    • By enabling "Mandatory" the selected user will have to approve the job before it can move on to the next user in the approval chain

3. Time to start defining the criteria! E.g. "Aref is assigned to all jobs within Operations and location set to Stockholm" In the example below, Aref will be assigned to all jobs that are created within departments "Haymarket" and "Something something!"

4. Feel free to add more criteria, by clicking on "Add Condition". Depending on your organization, this flow can be as complicated or simple as you wish.

5. When you have started to add users and assigned them to certain criteria, it will be displayed as below. The exclamation mark indicates that the user has criteria assigned to them. If no criteria are set, the user will automatically be assigned as the approver for all jobs not dependent on any criteria.

3. Overview of your Approval Flow

1. On the last page, titled 'Overview,' you receive an overview of your approval flow. Here, you can quickly glimpse your approval flow and see which users have been assigned to which criteria

4. Submitting your job for approval

The approval flow is now created, time to move on to the part when your managers have created their job ads, and submitted them for approval!

  1. As usual, the job is created and the manager continues by clicking "submit for approval"

2. On the next page, you will get to the approval flow. Start with answering the questionnaire questions. If the "Any user" has been activated for the approval flow (Mentioned above in step 2) You will have the possibility to select your approver. The lock indicates that it is mandatory to select an approver before requesting the approver.

3. Voilá! The job has now been sent for approval. All approvers added to the approval flow will receive an email that they have a job to approve.

4. By clicking on the approval flow icon, you get an overview of your submitted approval, including the status of each approver.

5. Overview of your pending approvals

  1. As mentioned above, all approvers receive an email about the job they have been requested to approve. In this email, you will find a direct link to your task center where you find more information about the job, and a link to the actual approval form where you approve the job.

  2. If you lost your email, or simply want to get an overview of your approval. Head over to your tasks where you find more information about the job and approval.

    6. Edit approvers and questionnaire answers

Additionally, you can also configure if you wish certain users to have the possibility to edit submitted questionnaire answers, or approvers. A use case here could be that a user simply added the wrong answer, or if the submitted answer isn't longer relevant, such as salary or similar.

  1. To give these permissions to certain users (Admins have access to this by default) head over to your company settings, followed by "Team settings" Edit the user you want to assign the permissions to, click "Permissions" and toggle what permissions they should have access to.

2. You will now have an edit icon for either the "requisition form", the "approval flow" or both depending on what access the user has been given.

If a user in the approval flow is removed and replaced, the removed user will receive an email about this and so will the newly assigned user.

3. These changes are of course displayed in the job log, which can be found on the jobs overview. See below.

Last but not least, as an admin, you might want to get a quick overview of all jobs that are pending approval. This can be viewed by heading over to the job list, and filtering on "Jobs waiting for approval"

That's it! If you have any questions or need help setting this up, don't hesitate to let us know!

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