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Lue alta, miten Emrexin ja Jobylonin välinen integraatio toimii

Sebastian avatar
Tekijä: Sebastian
Päivitetty yli vuosi sitten

Mikä Emrex on?

Emrexin tarkoitus on antaa yksilöiden hallinnoida omia opintotietojaan ja käyttää sitä eri käyttötarkoituksiin eri vaiheissa.

Emrex on esimerkiksi opiskelijoille, jotka haluavat siirtää tietojaan nopeasti, digitaalisesti ja turvallisessa ympäristössä ympäri maailman.

  • Henkilöt, jotka hakevat opintoihin ulkomailla

  • Henkilöt, jotka haluavat jakaa opintotietojaan esimerkiksi tuleville työnantajille jne.

Integraation käyttöönotto

Ensimmäinen vaihe käyttöönotossa on allekirjoittaa sopimus lisäosan käyttämisestä. Tämän saatte Jobylonin yhteyshenkilöltänne. Kun sopimus on allekirjoitettu, Jobylon voi aktivoida integraation.

1. 1 Emrex-asetukset

Kun integraatio on aktivoitu, näette kunkin työpaikan alla painikkeen, josta pääsette Emrexin asetuksiin:

Näette seuraavalla sivulla asetukset, joihin tulee määrittää esimerkiksi seuraavat:

  • Mikä sähköpostimalli tulisi lähettää hakijalle*
    *Tällä hetkellä Jobylonin tulee lisätä mallipohjat järjestelmään, jotta ne näkyvät listalla. Olethan yhteyshenkilöönne yhteydessä, jos mallipohjia ei ole luotu tai haluatte lisätä uuden pohjan.

  • Missä vaiheessa hakija tulee lähettää Emrexille (Käymme tämän läpi tarkemmin seuraavassa artikkelin osassa 1.2)

  • If there should be a reminder email. Note that the reminder email will be sent out the first time after 3 days, then 7 days, and the last time after 14 days until the candidate has submitted their records. Leave it blank if you don't want reminders to be sent.

1.2 How to trigger Emrex

There are two ways of triggering Emrex:

1. Automate it by connecting it to a certain recruitment status

On the configuration page (same page as the above), select the recruitment status on which you want Emrex to be triggered. This means that once a candidate is moved to this status, the email will automatically be sent to the candidate.


  • The status is set to "New" which means that as soon as a candidate applies to the job, the email will be triggered directly since they will land on the status "New" as soon as they have applied for your job

  • The status is set to "In progress" The email will be sent as soon as someone manually moves the candidate to that step, or if it is done through our feature "Automations & Triggers"

2. Send it manually

If you wish to send it manually, continue without selecting a recruitment step. To manually send Emrex, navigate to the application of the candidate and click on the three dots followed by "Request Emrex"

Connect Emrex to Job templates

You also have the option to connect Emrex to your job templates, which means that the Emrex configurations will follow every job created through that template. In order to do so, navigate to your job templates and configure them in the same way as described above.

Different Calculation Scales

There are two different calculation scales to choose between, where one is 4.0 and the other 5.0. Let your point of contact at Jobylon know what scale you want to use, and we will configure it on our end.

Once the candidate has submitted their records, what data is transferred to Jobylon?

On the application of each candidate, the following data will be presented as long as it exists on the institution's page the data was fetched.

In the list of applications, on the cogwheel, you can customize what attributes you want in your view:

The data shown on the application card (Note that this might differ, depending on what data is available in the institution the data is transferred from):

What does the process look like for the candidate?

1. Once the email is sent to the candidate (either manually, or if moved to a certain recruitment step where Emrex has been configured) the candidate will receive your customized email or Jobylon's default email:

2. Once the candidate clicks on the link, they will be forwarded to the page shown below. On this page, they are asked to select what country they've been studying in, followed by university.

3. After they've clicked "Submit" they will be redirected to the platform of the institution where they will select what degrees or stand-alone courses to transfer to Jobylon.

4. Once the candidate has transferred their educational records, it will appear on their application in Jobylon. Scroll up to "Once the candidate has submitted their records, what data is transferred to Jobylon?" to read more about it.

5. If the candidate's university does not exist in the list, or if they for some other reason do not want to share their data. They have the possibility to opt-out through the link at the bottom of the page, this means that the candidate will be displayed as "Cancelled" in Jobylon and that no reminder emails will be sent to the candidate. If the candidate chooses to not upload their records for any of the above reasons then "No records were transferred" will be displayed on the application in Jobylon. See below.

That's it! If anything is unclear, don't hesitate to reach out and we will make sure to help you!

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