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Creating an offer template
Creating an offer template

The offer module makes it simple and easy to send out offers through Jobylon. Check out how it works below!

Sebastian avatar
Written by Sebastian
Updated over a month ago

Our Offer module makes it possible to create offer templates and send them out to candidates. Below we will go through how to create a template. Check out our other article to see how to send the article.

Creating an offer template

If you're an account owner or admin, you can start off by opening the company settings and clicking on "Offer Templates". Next, click on "Create a template". Fill in your desired template name, as well as a template description. After this is done, click on "Continue":

[video-to-gif output image]

Here starts the fun part! 🥳 On the right side, you can see a preview window of the offer page, and it updates as you fill in the information on the left side of the screen. Below we will go through all the sections separately.

1 Hero image

In this section, you can edit the hero image - the first view the candidate sees when opening the offer! You can edit the company logo, cover image, the text, and the button here. The edits you make appear on the preview in real time. A tip - Click on the < > button to add placeholders to the title or text:

2 Offer details

In the next section, Offer details, you can insert help text and different offer details. Here's what it should look like when we're done:

Let's get started by filling in the text fields. They are all optional but highly recommended to use. In the above image, you can see which text field corresponds to which in the preview. Your view will update as you make changes.

Next, we can move on to adding the details. Click on the "Add item" field and then on the "Create" option. You can choose and icon, a title (shown to the candidate), an internal name (not shown to the candidate), as well as an info text:

[video-to-gif output image]

After you click on "Save", you're also able to determine if the person sending out the offer is able to make edits to the offer detail:

3 Job Benefits

The job benefit section works similarly to the previous section. The difference is that these fields are fixed, so the manager sending out the offer cannot edit the benefits. Once again, click on "Add item" to create new benefits. Once you've added the benefits, it will look like this:

4 Testimonials

Next, we can add testimonials. Click on "Add Item" -> "Create", and a new window will open. Here, you can fill in the title, name, quote and the image of the employee. Once you're done, just click "Save", and the employee will be shown in the preview:

Below is what it looks like with two different employee referrals. By clicking on the arrow (highlighted in pink), the candidate can see the other referrals. This will also rotate automatically with a 10 second delay.

5 Image + Text

In this section, you can add any additional images and text you might like to have on the offer. You can, for example, add your company values, information on the culture etc. - the possibilities are limitless!

Click on "Add Item" to open the editing window. Once you're done, you can check the preview to make sure everything is the way you want:

6 Footer

In the Footer section, you can add any wanted documents, links or social media handles to the footer of the offer page:

With links, remember to always use the whole URL, including https://

7 Accept Offer

Almost there - This is the last section of the template! Here, you can modify the last step that the candidate sees before accepting the offer. You can add acceptance questions and the text for the acceptance page.

If you don't have acceptance questions yet, you have to click on "Here" (see video below) to access the question page. Once questions have been created, you can simply click on them to add them to the template.

Once you're done adding questions, you can add the text, as well as a call-to-action to, for example, a blog, your website etc.

[video-to-gif output image]

And that's it - We're all done creating the template! 🙌🏻 You can save the template by clicking on "Complete" or "Complete & Activate". Only activated templates can be used when sending out an offer to the candidates.

After the template has been saved, you can manage it by clicking on the menu button on the right side:

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