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Create and save your search

Create and save a search and segments of your applicant database

Sebastian avatar
Written by Sebastian
Updated over a month ago

As you may already know, you can search within your database by using a number of search mechanisms and filters. Amongst these are searching for the applicant's name, the job they applied to, statuses and tags, answers to screening questions and more.
By creating saved searches you are able to create shortcuts instead of having to re-enter your search every time. You can even choose to receive a daily e-mail as soon as new applicants enter your saved segment.

This is a great way of monitoring applicants based on certain criteria. Lets say you want to easily find and receive notifications on all your 5-starred applicants or perhaps all referrals to a certain city.

Here's how you do it!

  1. Start from the list of applications for a certain job or across your complete database.

  2. Use the filters, facets and search bar to find your desired applicants.

  3. Save your search, give it a name and choose if you want to get a daily update and you're done!

You can even create several saved searches by just repeating the process. πŸ‘†πŸ½

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