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Refensa integration

How to enable the integration between Refensa and Jobylon

Sebastian avatar
Written by Sebastian
Updated over a month ago

How to set up the integration

To enable the integration, Jobylon needs the API Key which is found on the admin page in Refensa. Once you have the key, send it over to your contact person/support at Jobylon who will configure the rest of the integration internally.

Configure Refensa Settings

As soon as the integration is enabled, you will find the Refensa settings as a job item on your jobs.

On the following page, you configure the settings for your reference checks. The choices displayed on this page are dependent on the settings and question templates created in Refensa.

How to trigger Reference Checks

There are two ways of triggering Reference Checks

1. Connect it to a certain recruitment status

At the end of the configuration page (same page as the above), select the recruitment status on which you want the reference check to be triggered.

By connecting reference checks to a recruitment status, the reference will automatically be triggered once moved to the selected status.

Note that automatically triggered references are sent from the job owner.

2. Send it manually

If you wish to send the reference checks manually, continue without selecting a recruitment step.

To manually send a reference check, navigate to the application of the candidate and click on the three dots followed by "References"

Follow the process of the Reference Check

To follow the process of the Reference Check, click on the application of the candidate. One of the symbols in the circled arrow will lead you directly to the candidate and the project inside Refensa and one of them to a detailed share-page.

When the reference check is completed

Once all the references have responded, the status in Jobylon will be updated to complete.

Connect Reference Checks to job templates

You also have the option to connect Reference Checks to your job templates, which means that the Reference Check configurations will follow every job created through that template. In order to do so, navigate to your job templates and configure them in the same way as described above.

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