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Deleting job ads

Here's how you can delete job ads permanently

Sebastian avatar
Written by Sebastian
Updated over 2 months ago

Please note before deleting any ads:

  • Deletion is permanent, so it cannot be reverted. No deleted job ads can be brought back after the deletion.

  • If there are any applications on a job ad you wish to remove, the applications will be deleted as well. Make sure to move any applications you wish to save under other projects.

  • You can only delete archived job posts

  • Only account admins are able to delete job ads, and if you have been assigned the permission "Can delete jobs". If you cannot see the delete button, you don't have the correct role in Jobylon.

Here's how to delete a job ad:

  1. Go to "Jobs" and select to view the archived job ads. You can do this by clicking on "Archived".

  2. Click on the red "Delete" button.

  3. Finally, you'll need to confirm you wish to delete the job. This happens by writing the title of the deleted job into the open field. After you've filled in the title, click on "OK".

Tip! If the job title is long, you can simply copy and paste it from above the open field

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