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Team settings

Learn how to use the team settings. This feature is for Admin users or users with separately given permission to access team settings.

Sebastian Basauri avatar
Written by Sebastian Basauri
Updated over a week ago

Team settings is a great place to find information about the users on your account, as well as their role, information or any extra permissions. You can also invite new users in or manage current users. Team settings is available to account admins & owners, or users that have been given permission to access team settings. You'll find more information about permissions below.

Ready? Let's get started!

Navigating to team settings

You can find the team settings by clicking on your profile icon, then clicking "My company" and finally "Team settings".

Managing users

Once you have reached the team settings, you can see a list of all your users under that company account (excluding agency users). You can use the search bar or "role" option on the right to filter our the users you wish to display.

To edit or remove a user, simply click on the three dots on the right, and click on either "Edit user" or "Remove user".

You can click on "Invite new user" to invite a new user in, and set their permissions and roles straight away. If a new user is pending, it means the user has not confirmed their account and logged in. In some cases you can resend the invitation to the user if they have not received the invitation email.


Permissions can be given to member and manager users to allow them to do more within Jobylon. This provides flexibility in terms of what users are able to see or access in different areas. Permissions are great in, for example, situations where a user should not be an admin but they should still have access to certain features.

To give out permissions, simply search for the user you wish to edit, click on the three dots and select "Edit user":

From here, navigate to the permissions tab and you can start giving out permissions! Giving permissions to the specific actions happens by activating the button next to the action description. When the button is blue, the permission has been given. You can also click on the button again to deactivate the permission.

There are plenty of options to choose from depending on what permission the user needs. It is good, however, to be mindful of the permissions, and only give out the ones the user needs.

Hiring teams

In the Hiring teams tab, you can create an automation that adds the user to hiring teams automatically. You can read more about this here.

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