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Managing job templates

Create and edit job templates, and see how jobs are created using one.

Sebastian avatar
Written by Sebastian
Updated over a week ago

The idea behind job templates is to save time while making sure job ads are aligned with the company's overall Employer Value Proposition and guidelines. Below we will go through how to create new job templates, edit them, and create a job using them.

Creating new job templates

Templates are usually created from draft jobs, so if you wish to create a new template, go ahead and create a new job. After your template job has been created, you can save it as a draft. After this, get in touch with our support team and we'll mark the job as a template 🙌🏻

Edit job templates

As an administrator on your account, you can find all of your templates by viewing your jobs and selecting to view templates. From this view, you can click on the edit button to make changes to your templates:

Create a job ad using templates

Click on the "Create Job" button in the menu to view available templates. If you do not see any templates, none have been set up in your account. Choose which template you want to continue with and click ”Select template”. Depending on what template you selected you might end up viewing various forms and fields to be filled out.

After creating your job ad based on a template, you can always edit and update it further if needed.

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